Don't get spooked by your checking account this year

Down in New Orleans, Halloween is our time to shine. There is no shortage of things to do, but that also means things can get very pricey very quickly.

Between buying a costume, getting the candy, and going to events, your checking account might look pretty spooky on November 1st.

We’ve put together a few quick tips to help you save money this Halloween.


1. DIY your costume. If you are still on the hunt for your Halloween costume, don’t go grab a $50 Party City costume! There are plenty of clever and fun costumes that you can build with items from your closet. Go on Pinterest or Google, and you will find thousands of ideas for costumes that you can throw together for cheap at the very last minute.

2. Beware of surge pricing. If you are taking a rideshare service down to your Halloween event, don’t fall victim to the infamous surge pricing. Uber is notorious for skyrocketing their pricing during major events like Halloween. Before leaving, make sure you have a few different rideshare apps downloaded onto your phone so that you can compare prices and find the best deal.

3. Make your party a potluck. Are you hosting this year? Ask your guests to bring a food item to add to the buffet. A potluck will help to lessen the financial burden on you, and make for a very interesting Halloween spread.

4. Buy candy in bulk. Avoid buying candy at places like drugstores and grocery stores as the prices will add up fairly quickly. Instead, shop at a bulk store such as Costco, Sam’s, or Walmart to find the best deals.

We hope that you have a fun and safe Halloween!

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