You’re Invited!

RSVP Below for
POECU’s 101st Annual Meeting

Wednesday, May 14th at 6pm

Wednesday, May 14, 2025
6:00 pm

Elks Lodge, 2215 Cleary Ave., Metairie 70001
Dinner Will Be Served.

Each Member must complete an individual RSVP form.
If you select 2 people in your RSVP below, that indicates yourself plus a non-member guest.
Your correct reply will help us ensure we have proper head counts for quorum.

RSVP is due by Friday, May 2nd

The Nominating Committee is pleased to recommend the following candidates for the two available positions on the Board of Directors.  Each candidate has agreed to serve as a volunteer for a three-year term.  The nominees include:


Dennis Brouphy (Incumbent)

Dennis Brouphy holds a B.S. in Management and a M.S. in Accounting from the University of New Orleans. He is also a Louisiana licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Dennis has served as a director on POECU’s board for 3 years and is currently the Treasurer. He also served as Chairman of the Supervisory Committee at U.S. Customs Federal Credit Union.  Dennis began his career with U.S. Customs in 1989 as an auditor and computer audit specialist. (U.S. Customs is now known as the Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection.) As a Regulatory Auditor, he audited local, national, and international importers for compliance with importation laws.  Dennis has 33 years of service with this agency and is now retired.


Louis E. Adams (Nominee)

Louis E. Adams has been in law enforcement for 30 years with the last 27 being at the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office. He has been involved with POECU for 4 decades and utilizes many of its programs and currently serves as an Associate Board Member. Louis’ grandfather, who retired from USPS, was actively involved with POECU and served on the Supervisory Committee. His father, who retired from NOPD, was also actively involved in the credit union having served as Vice Chairman of the Board. Louis wants to continue this family tradition and commitment to the financial institution he has belonged to his entire life.


If any member would like to have his/her name included on the ballot, he/she may do so by petition.  To obtain a petition form, contact  This petition should be presented to POECU’s main office located at 4624 West Napoleon Street, Metairie, LA  70001, no later than 4:30 pm on Friday, April 25, 2025, and must include signatures from at least 1% of the membership (44 members).  A brief statement of qualifications and biographical information along with the intent to serve should be included for any nomination by petition.



Should any qualified petitions be received, then the petitioners’ name will be added to the ballot and voting will be conducted at all credit union branches from Monday, May 5, 2025, through Saturday, May 10, 2025, during normal operating hours.  The notice of balloting will include a biographical description of each candidate.  There will be no nominations accepted from the floor at the annual meeting. 

RSVP by Friday, May 2nd by completing the form above or call us at 504-885-6871 if you need further assistance.