Tips for saving money while travelling home for the holidays

Travelling home for the holidays should be an exciting and joyous occasion. We should be looking forward to seeing our families, eating good food, and celebrating the bond that we share.

However, holiday travelling tends to inspire feelings of frustration and stress. The chaos endured and money spent on travelling can make the visit home seem like a chore.

We are here to help you save money and stress when travelling so that you can start your trip off on the right foot. Follow these tips, and the season will become merry and bright once again!


1. Keep your travel days flexible.

If you are flying to your destination, try and keep your travel days flexible. The times around Thanksgiving and Christmas are some of the most expensive days to fly. When using your booking service, make sure to check the option for flexible days so that you can see where you can save the most money.

2. Ship your presents before.

If you buy your presents online, ship the items to their final destination instead of your house. Just make sure the receiver knows not to open the package! Once you get to your family’s house, you can wrap the presents and stick them under the tree. This will save you a lot of headaches when packing and can help you avoid extra baggage fees if travelling by plane.

3. Travel light.

Try packing just one carry-on for your trip. If you can get your packing down to one carry-on per person, you can save yourself a lot of time and money at the airport. By avoiding baggage fees and extra lines, your travel day will become a much more pleasant experience.

4. Pack snacks!

Whether you are travelling by plane or car, you should always pack snacks. Things like sandwiches and fruits are great items to keep with you when travelling. If you are flying, you can avoid the exorbitant airport food prices. If you are driving, you can avoid any unnecessary stops and gas station food.

Remember that all of these expenses add up. Between ticket prices, checking your bag, and airport food, you could buy a nice meal out or a few extra presents under the tree. Travelling for the holidays can get expensive but finding places to save here and there can really help out a lot.  

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